Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Have a nice trip...

I've realized that the REAL ramen noodle life doesn't start until graduation ends.
Well, it has. Yup, I graduated from Muhlenberg College on May 20. I went on a mini vacation with my parents to see the pandas at the national zoo, and am now home, ready to start my journey on this thing called adulthood.

I'm not sure how to begin. See, my real beginning of this whole adult life thing is hindered by a certain injury. I'm currently recovering from a broken wrist. About four weeks ago, I was rehearsing my broadsword final, when I fell on my clumsy butt. Right in front of our master, too. Not wanting to smack myself or my partner with my 10lb steel sword, I held it out and threw my left arm out to catch my fall. Ker-snap! I fractured both the radius and the ulna. Two weeks ago I had surgery to pin the broken pieces together in proper alignment. So aside from having a hard time typing this post, I've had to deal with the pain and hindrance of this injury more than anything else. Looking back, I realize that the whole senior week and graduation thing happened underneath while I was focusing on my arm being in a sling and having trouble hooking my bra and showering every day.

I could go on about finals and such. I could go on about the break and the x-rays and the cast. I could talk about all the senior week events. I could talk about how much alcohol I consumed before I had to go to surgery and not drink anymore because of prescription painkillers. I could talk about snogging a certain boy at the frat party, having him write his number down with the note "you MUST call me tomorrow" only to have him never respond to me again (Srsly, y u no even say hi? You were standing right next to me when we lined up for graduation!). I could. But I wont. This blog isn't about college happenings. That's sort of why I stopped. That stuff is cliche and abundantly portrayed in the media.  Nope, this blog was meant to be about the in-between time. The post-graduation "wtf am I doing" life.

So far, I don't really know. I meet with a physical therapist tomorrow for my wrist. Hopefully after that I'll have an idea of what I'm dealing with, as far as how/when I'll get my movement back. I can't really beg for a job if I don't know if or when I'll be able to carry a tray, lift a box, or even type very well. But once I know, I'll be trying very hard to get a job that doesn't involve the phrase "would you like fries with that?".

My parents had a talk with me last night about being "an adult member of the house". At first I panicked, what the HELL does that mean? But in the end, it's pretty basic. I'm not a child anymore, don't expect mommy to do everything for you. Help clean the house, you're responsible for your own food if mom's not cooking or you don't like what she makes, pay for your own gas in the car since it's not your car, and don't vanish from the house without telling us where you are. Pretty simple stuff, really. Stuff I wanted to be responsible for, because they're right, I'm not a child anymore. Eventually I'll move out and be responsible for a hell of a lot more. So for now, this is easy.

These are the first steps into the real world.

Let's hope I don't fall and break something else.